
As an artist and environmental advocate, I have the privilege of partnering with different wildlife groups to raise money and awareness of our local wildlife and their needs in our modern world. Early on, I learned about Salt and her amazing story, and decided that I had to write a children's book about her and the important role that whales play in keeping our oceans healthy. Below you will find some fun facts about Salt and her affect on the ocean. - Amy Estes

“This charming adventure… is about to introduce you to a colorful cast of undersea creatures as we all learn about the science and magic within an ocean ecosystem.”
- Geneva Mommsen, Education Coordinator, National Marine Life Center

Image courtesy of whaleswithnames.com

Image courtesy of whaleswithnames.com

Salt is a female North Atlantic Humpback whale is has graced the water off the coast of Cape Cod every year since the 1970's. She gets her name from the markings on her dorsal fin that look like it has salt sprinkled on it.


Every year Salt makes the trek from the warm waters of the Caribbean to the waters off the coast of Cape Cod, frequently with a new calf accompanying her. To date Salt has 15 calves and 15 grandcalves!

Salt and her offspring are all tracked by scientists. Whales are tracked by the markings on their tale flukes. Each whale's tale fluke is like their fingerprint, they are all different. In the span of more than forty years that Salt has been tracked, scientists have learned a lot of information on the role that whales play in our ecosystem.  One of the many things that scientists have learned is how whales are an integral factor in keeping our oceans healthy.

The way they do this? Their poop! Come and join us on the amazing adventure, Whale Poop!, and find out how Salt and her fellow whales keep our oceans healthy. If you are ever fortunate enough to visit Cape Cod, jump on a whale watch and maybe you will catch up with Salt or one of her calves in person!